Wednesday, December 30, 2009

..4 new year's resolutions..

It's that time of year again! Time to make goals for the new year. Hopefully time to STICK to the goals for the new year... So here are a few of mine.

1. (shocker) Get back into shape. Currently I am a shape. I am round. Round is a shape. Most people know that I used to dance. I love it. And that is the one thing in my life that I really really miss about my past. So I am going to get back in the gym and start going to dance classes again. And eating healthy... which is worse than exercising :) But every year, I make this goal and every year I eff it up within the first month or two. But this time, I WILLLLLL follow through. There ya go. Created the intention. Done.

2. Focus. This is kind of a broad spectrum. I need to have more focus at work (aka, maybe not updating my blog while I'm working) (the new year hasn't started yet!). I get too distracted. I need to up my performance and really work on getting where I want to go. I need to focus on myself. This goes along with goal #1, but also focusing on getting my financial situation where it needs to be. I have done AMAZINGLY better in the last 6 months or so, but that was from really shitty rock bottom, so I still have a ways to go. I just want to make my life the best it can possibly be, and that is going to require me being a little more selfish and really changing certain things in my life. I'm up for it.

3. Go back to school. I was really bummed out with the Westminster thing fell through last year. I was so ready to go, but... there are no accidents. Obviously it wasn't my "time" to go back to school. But I am ready. I need to do this for myself and my future. So mark my words, by fall 2010, I will be in a financial place to be able to go back to school. Woooooo.

4. Drama free the way to be. I know there is always going to be drama in life. Things aren't always going to go my way and bad things will sometimes happen. But there is a big difference between drama you can't control and drama that you can. I choose to rid myself of the drama that I can control. I feel I've gotten rid of a major source of a lot of that drama, so now I just have to make sure to keep it that way.

All in all, over the last few weeks, I feel like this is a really big time for me. A time to shed all the baggage and hurt and the negativity and to really make a big change for myself. I have the most amazing people in my life right now. People who love me for me. Who are dependable and genuine and just truly wonderful people. They challenge me to be a better person and make me want to be. I feel like 2010 could be a really amazing year and I'm excited to see what it holds.

1 comment:

Jes said...

I love it! I know you can do all of those! If you just put your mind and heart into it! :) Love you!