Monday, January 25, 2010

..all growed up (or why living by yourself is awesome)..

I moved! Yay! My OWN apartment. Just me. No roommates. No refugees. Nothing. Just me. It's strange how much of a difference it makes, even in just the day and a half that I've been there. I feel happier (cheesy) already. It's mostly the little things that make a difference. I can turn the heater up however high I want. I can burn whatever scentsy smells I want. I had everyone over for dinner last night. I don't have to worry about anyone getting angry or upset if people are over late. I can watch what I want. I can do what I want. I've NEVER had this before. It just makes me feel so much more grown up.

At first I was really hurt and scared that I had to get a place myself. I felt like there was something wrong with me because all my old roommates moved in and got a place together and no one wanted to live with me. But I HONESTLY believe this was the best thing that could have happened right now. This is a HUGE step forward for me. And I'm really proud of myself.

:) 2010 is starting off the right way :)


Jamie said...

yay : ) i'm proud of you too!

Miss Meghann said...
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Lindsea G said...

You may still have a "refugee" every now and then..... *cough cough* me... ? lol.