Wednesday, February 24, 2010

..copy cat - 50 things i love..

I've noticed that all the blogs I subscribe to have been doing this, so I'm gonna do it too :)

50 things I love:
1. Family.
2. Rain.
3. Cafe Rio.
4. Friends.
4. Grape Crystal Light (thx Jessica!).
5. Cinnamon Bears... or Bunnies.. or Santas.
6. Tanning.
7. My Best Friend.
8. Dancing.
9. Singing in the Car.
10. Cute Text Messages.
11. Teal.
12. Facebook.
13. Hugs.
14. Books.
15. My Nephew.
16. My Job.
17. People Who Communicate.
18. Zupas Ultimate Grilled Cheese.
19. MUSIC.
20. Late Night Applebee's Trips.
21. Pens That Write Well.
22. Love Spell Lotion.
23. Washington.
24. Blackberries (the phones).
25. Yogurt.
26. Lazy Days.
27. Being Sore from Working Out.
28. Laughing Til You Cry.
29. Cuddling.
30. Moutain Dew.
31. Sleeping In.
32. Spring :)
33. Road Trips!
34. Living Alone.
35. Reconnecting with old friends.
36. Bonding with new friends.
37. Musicals.
38. F.R.I.E.N.D.S (the tv show)
39. Sleepovers.
40. Stars.
41. Emotions.
42. Flat Irons.
43. iPods.
44. Boy.
45. Texting.
46. American Idol.
47. Cheesecake.
48. Dreams.
49. Meaningful Conversations.
50. Life.

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