Monday, February 15, 2010 more bitterness..

So normally I am the girl that is like "I HATE VALENTINES DAY! DEATH TO LOVE! DEATH TO COUPLES!" Ogre, ogre, ogre. I pretty much was planning on being that way this year too. I've never had an actual Valentine on Valentines Day. And OBVIOUSLY, as there is a holiday for it, everyone else in the world does. Haha. It's a bit depressing. But after this year, I kind of decided that I don't hate it as much as I had pretended. Do I have a boyfriend? No. Nothing has changed in that department. But I spent last night with Jessica and Aaron. We had the best night. We made heart shaped pizzas and ate food that was terrible for us. We watched lovey dovey movies and took pictures and had an amazing night. While I was with them, something clicked for me. As much as Valentines is commercialized as a "couples holiday", it really is just a day to celebrate love. And I am not lacking in that area. Friendship love is JUST as much worth celebrating as romantic love. I have people in my life who I can be completely myself with. Who I would do anything for. Who would do anything for me. That is WORTH acknowledging.

So I no longer am on the bitter betty wagon for V Day. I just changed what it meant to me. :)