Friday, May 21, 2010

..i want to forgive you and i want to forget you..

I am a fan of the random bullet blogs today so that is what you are going to get. Yay!

- For the first time in my grown up life, I now have cable and internet in my apartment. Congratulations are in order.

- I also bought a desk last night for said computer. Since I am a girl and lack the fundamental tools to put together said desk, I improvised. I was mocked, but it turns out you CAN put together a desk with super glue and a butter knife when you do not have a screwdriver. It was currently still standing when I left for work this morning, so I consider that a job well done. And I'm slightly impressed with my talent.

- It is possible to have a heart attack when you are 25 years old. Especially when your boss tells you that you (and other managers) have until July 1st to "break even" or you may lose your job. Hearing this will not only make your heart stop for a minute, but it will also make you burst into tears directly following meeting. Don't be embarrassed.

- I am currently out of Tylenol PM. Turns out when you admit to your "best friend" that you may have an problem (jokingly), he will take the Tylenol PM and flush it down the toilet. Tough Love.

- Scenario: (completely hypothetical of course) Say you and a close friend had a falling out. You were horrible to them for quite a few years and pretty much made their life miserable at every opportunity you could. Say they may need extensive psycho therapy for several years to come. So now you're "changing" your bastardily ways and wants this friend back in your life. You have tried to contact said friend numerous times, through email/text/calling/facebook, etc and have not recieved one response from them in any way, shape or form. You also noticed that this friend has now blocked you from contacting them on Facebook. Also, everyone who you know tells you that you need to just back off and leave this person alone. If you are going to be forgiven EVER (which you won't be), you need to let this person come to you in time. So knowing all of this, your next step would be:

A. Respect this person's wishes and all advice given to you and leave them alone. Learn something from the situation and move on and apply to the current relationships in your life.


B. Continue stalking and emailing and texting and calling this person to try to wear them down. All the while insisting "you've changed", "you aren't doing this to get into anyone else's good graces", and "you wish there was something you could buy "friend" to make up for everything shitty you've done".

Hmmm.. Tough one. (

Totally hypothetical. Of course.

- On a completely different and unrelated note, when a particular someone says "Everyone else can forgive me, why can't you?", it may cause me to see red and have rage blackouts. First of all, you ASS, you've been a mental terrorist for the better part of the last 4 years. I'm pretty sure if you'd done to them what you've done to me, they wouldn't even bat a lash in your direction. So go ahead and try to make nice with every single one of my friends to try to prove that I'm unforgiving and being unreasonable, but that isn't going to change the fact that I want nothing to do with you. At all. Ever. Thanks!

-Lagoon in coming. I am excited. :) And I don't care if you're judging me.

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