Monday, October 4, 2010

..happy mybirthdaymonth!..


- October is my favorite month. Of course, my birthday might be a huge part of that, but I just love the feeling when the air changes. When the leaves change and you can just feel that fall is in full swing. Plus, it's Halloween time! Carving pumpkins, Frightmares, scary movies. Fall just makes me happy. x100000.

- Speaking of my birthday, I like to celebrate me. I don't usually ever try to make the focus about me other parts of the year, but my birthday is the time when I like to be the center of attention and make everyone dote on me. And not just on my birthDAY, but in my birthWEEK and birthMONTH. Luckily, I have amazing friends who have no problem doing this...except for stupid Aaron who steals my thunder ;-)

- My birthday is on National Coming Out of the Closet Day. Hmm... Weird coincidence? Or fate? Hard to say. Love my gays!

- Speaking of gays, these last few days have been rough. It's hard to hear all the ignorant words that people speak just because they believe differently. Because they LOVE differently than other people believe they should. Are people really that simple minded? To believe that your way of doing things is the ONLY way of doing things? I was reading the article regarding what was said in one of the talks by Boyd K. Packer on Sunday:

"Some suppose that they were preset and cannot overcome what they feel are inborn tendencies toward the impure and the unnatural," he said. "Not so. Why would our Heavenly Father do that to anyone?"

I think it is highly arrogant that anyone, regardless of your 'status' in the church (or anywhere else for that matter), can assume they know what the ultimate "plan" was. Yes, originally, man and woman were made for each other. To create all of us. However, how does anyone know that there weren't other people "chosen" to live this way, that were BORN this way, to love someone of the same sex? To teach all of us tolerance and acceptance and love without judgement? If you have faith in a higher being, then wouldn't you believe that? That He knows what He is doing? I feel any judgements that we pass on people while we are living will come back around to us in the end of things. So just love. There is already enough hate in the world.

Soap box done.

- I would like someone to take me on a shopping spree. You may sign up here.

- Josh is already blowing the roof off of California. He's been there just a little over a week, and already has two commercials and a spot on a tv show lined up. I feel like this is proving that he is meant to be there. As much as I dislike him being so far away. He's driven and motivated and I know that you'll be seeing his name everywhere shortly.

- Kind of along the same lines, my boss came to me the other day and was like "So have you found something to feel that void since your friend left?" (my boss is awesome BTW) I thought about it a little bit and while I miss him a lot, this is kind of a test of independence for me. This last year I have spent getting the toxic things out of my life was hard, but I had Josh (and of course, other friends) there to back me up and tell me I was doing the right things. And now this is my test to see if I can do it myself. And considering recent circumstances and situations, that test is hitting full force right about now. This will be a good chance to see if I really have changed over the last year, or if I'm going to fall into old habits. I am fairly confident that I have, but only time will tell.

Have a good week :)

1 comment:

Miss Meghann said...

The comments that were made by the LDS chuch are really disheartening. Obviously there are people that don't understand the type of unconditional love that comes with being a true friend. Something so trivial as gay/straight... I just can't wrap my head around why it matters... To me (and I know you), it never will. All I can say is... They're missin' out :]