Tuesday, June 29, 2010

..it's not about who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left your side...

We all know that I am a huge fan of quotes. Tonight I was talking to a friend and we were talking about connections with people, and this quote came to mind:

"It's not about who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left your side"

I've heard it before. Many times. For some reason, it really resonated with me tonight. I know that a lot of people put so much emphasis on how long they've been friends with someone. I've had arguments with friends in the past about loyalties and "oh I've known you longer, you should be on my side through this and this and this" (a constant struggle with my latest ex best friend). Does length of time mean everything?

Sometimes you meet someone and have an instant connection with them. It's kind of inexplicable. Just a friend that from the moment you meet them, you feel extremely comfortable with them. It's almost like you don't have to lay the groundwork for a really good friendship - it's already there.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of people in my life right now who I have good relationships with that I've known for years, but for the most part, the people I'm closest to in my life right now, I've known a little over a year, maybe shorter than that. They are just such good people that as soon as I met them, I knew that they were meant to be in my life. They made me realize that I shouldn't settle for sub par friendships in my life and that I CERTAINLY shouldn't settle for people who don't bring anything positive to my life.

So whilst sometimes you do have those friends who you've known your whole life, who you will continue to have good friendships with throughout your life, it doesn't always mean everything. More than likely, it's LESS the amount of time you've known that person and MORE about the kind of person they are. That is where loyalty comes from.

Monday, June 28, 2010

..favorite quote..

*Just another day sitting in the basement at our old house*

(conversation between Gray & Josh)

Josh: "Tasha's boobs are mine"
Gray: "No, they are mine"
Josh: "I had them first!"
Gray: "Uh... no... Actually, I had them first!"
Josh: "Well... then why don't you use them!?"

Yep. That's my life.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

..summer is here... finally..

Happy summer my peeps (or internet world since I'm not sure how many of my "peeps" actually read this)! Finally we are getting some warm weather. Hallelujah.

This is another random post. Because they are fun.

- So You Think You Can Dance is AMMMMMAAAZZZZINNNNGGG already this season. The boys are so much stronger than the girls, but they do have a couple of really great girls on there too. To add to that, I have a confusing dilemma. Anyone who knows me knows that I have an unfounded hatred toward Asians. Bahhahahahaha. Just kidding. I don't hate them. I just find myself not liking them. That's terrible. You all think I'm racist now.... But I digress... ANYWAY... There is this (asian) ballet dancer named Alex. He is PHENOMENAL. Seriously. I don't think I've seen anyone that dances like him. So I have my first asian (and I'm sure gaysian) crush. This is confusing and unsettling for me. But seriously? Go and youtube Alex Wong Miami Ballet. Ahhhhh.

Also on this topic - Lyrical HipHop? Genius. Lauren and Dom did a routine to If I Were a Boy last night. Chillys! And Bleeding Love (Chelsea & Mark) is STILL my favorite SYTYCD routine ever. I heart it.

Just makes me miss dancing.

- Friends. Girls. Girl. Friends. At some point in my life (after high school maybe), I grew... weary of friendships with girls. I feel like there is too much drama and cattiness that happens between girls. The coin is still up in the air if gay boys are really ANY better in terms of that, but that has been my most current belief. Anywhoozle... So over the last 5 or 6 years, I have had VERY FEW GOOOD girl friends. I had friends that were girls, but most of them were the catty kind. So that being said, recently I have found myself quite blessed to have discovered a good base of girly friends. I went out and had a girl's night with said group of girls this week and it was just nice to be around people who really are soooo similar to me. The three people I hung out with are scarily alike to myself. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE all my other friends. The youngsters. The talented ones. They all perform. They have that in common. And I always find myself feeling like an outsider no matter how much I love them. These other friends are pretty much at the same point I am in my life. We have all been through variations of the same things. We just understand each other. It's a nice feeling.

- Shocker of all shocks - I have yet to get my pass for Lagoon. I've just been really busy with other things and haven't been able to do it. I think Aaron and Gray hate me a little bit for that.

- If I don't get my iPhone here soon, I am going to have to buy myself a new blackberry. I am so sick of being the only person using a child's Nokia flip phone. I am a professional for heaven's sake! I need a growed up phone!

That might be all for now. Shalom bitches.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

..sunday quote..

Another favorite:

(about halfway into our midnight trip to Jackson Hole last summer):
Lindsea: "Gray's already asleep.."
Tasha: "Shocking..."
Lindsea: "Yeah. He's always the first person asleep..."
Josh (dead serious): "You know what that means right?"
Tasha/Lindsea: "What??"
Josh: "...small penis"

Hehe. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

..sunday quote..

I love quotes. Last summer, our friends group started a respective "quote wall" to remember everything we say. Because... we're witty. It's true. I'm gonna start picking some of my favorite old ones, and some new ones that are sure to come along over this summer. This is my favorite one from a girl I worked with last summer. Hilarious is she.

We were cleaning one day and Lindsey found a plastic crown in the drawer of the front desk at our office -

Lindsey: "this is really small. maybe it's meant for a child"
Me: "haha. yeah. I'm not sure how many crowns they make for adults nowadays"
Lindsey: "Yeah well, with all your gays, you would know"


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

..you can't stop the beat..

Just a couple things to annouce:

- Pride was a success! And by "success" I mean a "hot mess". Josh and I had drank a bottle of Bailey's (with chocolate milk of course), a bottle of Kahlua (with delicious iced coffee, of course) and a bottle of watermelon Smirnoff all before noon. There was a parade. There was yelling out random things and embarrassing ourselves. It was hotter than the surface of hell, and I was FRIED by the end of the day, but I got to be with my best friends and see a lot of people that I haven't seen in ages, and it was a good day. I also saw "he who must not be named", but he stayed a good distance away from me, so even that couldn't ruin my day! :)

- Josh is Link in Hairspray! The regional premiere at Riverton City. I'm so super proud of him. I think he doubts how talented he is sometimes and this is a really great thing for him. He's the FIRST LINK in Utah. That's huuuuuge. PLUS Hairspray is one of my... top 3 favorite musicals, so I probably will end going to see it 4 or 5 times. Don't judge me. Or do. I don't care.

That's pretty much it. Glee's season finale is tonight. Don't fuck it up Glee! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

..somewhere over the rainbow..

Another Pride weekend is upon us.

I will be drinking.

Starbucks and Kahlua at 9:30 in the morning on Sunday. You bet your ass.

Because if I have to be around that many big old flamers, you can be sure I will need immense amounts of the juice.

It also marks the first time since 2006 that I haven't been "actively" fighting with someone and had to spend the whole time avoiding people (read: Mindy).

Although... I will be trying to avoid Satan and his mistress. *cough* But that is a daily occurence.

It shall be super fun!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

..so you think you can dance?... not anymore!..

Welcome back! Randomness! Yay!

- I miss dancing (see title). I <3 So You Think You Can Dance. It is MY American Idol (pee dot ess... American Idol? You SUCKED this year. Time to go). Believe it or not, I danced from the time I was about 5 up until I graduated high school. Was I amazingly talented? No. I didn't have the "natural talent" that so many of my friends have. BUUUUUUUUUT... I worked EXTREMELY hard at it because I love it. I was crushed when I didn't make the dance company my sophmore year. But I worked really hard over the summer, went to classes, went to dance camp with the team, and by the time junior year started, I was on the team. I was originally put as an alternate on Bonnie Lassies my senior year, but I worked a little bit harder and performed EVERY SINGLE performance with the team and it was the best year of my life. So yeah, I was never amazing, but I was better than good. ANYWAYYYYY... pathetic rant over. I just miss it. Everyone around me is so talented and I don't have that "thing" anymore that I love to do. Sooooo... Yeah. I need to figure out how to get that back.

- I heart Josh's family. Of all the friends that I've had, I've never been really close to any of their families. Usually the opposite. They are invited to my family things. They are close to my mom. They love my family. And I don't know anything about theirs (except maybe they are crazy). Anyway... Josh's family is amazing. They always make me feel like part of the family. His mom is pretty much the sweetest lady ever. I'm glad that I have them as my second little home/family.

- I am on a roll at work. I've sold 4 FOUR!!!!! suites this week. That equals commission for Tasha and that means Tasha gets to go shopping for new clothes because she needs them. Yay!

- The cutest puppy has been at my work this week (shhhhh... no animals allowed). She is a miniature wiener dog and SOOOO little. I fell in love with her. She was $400. I don't got that kind of money. Damn you lady with puppy. Damn y0u.

- They have fixed my A/C in my apartment. It now gets cold in 5 minutes flat. I love it. It makes me like this mini apartment so much more.

- Oh Glee. I have a love/hate relationship with you this season. When you're good, you're AMAZING and make me cry. The bad thing is that (other than Brittany), the show has kind of fallen flat this season. There have been a handful of REALLY good songs, but for the most part... ehhhhhhhh. Mr. Shu? I think you are kind of a tool. Aren't you supposed to be teaching these kids something? Because you're a.... teacher? Not showing them that you should do ANYTHING you can to win. Hmmm... I do like your style though. So kudos there. Just please, for the love of god, STOP RAPPING.
To be fair though, I just watched the "Faithfully" sneak peak from the season finale and it make me get chills and teary eyes, sooooo... the finale might redeem this short and lack luster season.

- Speaking of Glee - Brittany. She could be my best friend. She is hilarious. Her one liners kill me. Man oh man. Everyone says they want her part to be bigger. NO! Keep her where she is. You'll ruin it if you change it!

Annnnd... that might be it for today.

- Oh! One sided friendships piss me off. But that is a story for another day :)

- OH OH! And I love summer. It's coming. And I like it.